The health and welfare of our birds is critical to the whole industry, at all stages of the journey from gate to plate. In most cases, catching and transportation are coordinated by the processors, who purchase live birds from the farmers. Transport and processing regulations are an important part of ensuring the continued welfare of our birds. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has the authority to enforce federal acts and regulations related to poultry transport and processing.
Chicken catchers work together to ensure stress on the birds is minimized during loading, and receive training in proper handling and care procedures. Chicken catchers in Canada must adhere to animal welfare standards and meet industry best practices for handling poultry.
Chicken Farmers of Canada invests annually in poultry research, primarily through the Canadian Poultry Research Council, and various studies have been funded to improve the transportation process. Study areas have included: weather impact on birds, risk factors during transport, and moisture as a hindrance/guide to transport.
Most broiler chickens are sent to federal processing plants inspected by CFIA, with some going to provincial processing plants that are inspected by provincial government officials. There are stringent regulations that processing plants follow to minimize stress during handling. During processing, every carcass is inspected to ensure the safety of the meat entering the food chain.