Dr. Thomas Jeffers, a parasitologist, gives us a quick lesson on Eimeria parasites’ operations procedures.
The only natural way of transmitting coccidiosis is through oral ingestion of an oocyst. Oocyst wall in broken down in the gizzard releasing sporocysts containing multiple sporozoites. These Sporozoites quickly move into the cell lining of the intestines where they divide further and invade more cells.
There are three common Eimeria parasites that affect broilers. Eimeria maxima typically targets mid intestine and have a significant impact on intestinal absorption. Eimeria acervuline affects the duodenum or upper intestine but capable of infecting other areas as well. Eimeria tenella causes lesions in the caecum of chickens.
Some mutual signs of E. maxima, E. acervuline, and E. tenella: