Biosecurity at the barn entry

Barn entry in four easy steps!

  1. Enter the barn and hang up your outerwear.
  2. Remove your outdoor shoes without letting your socks touch the floor. Spin 180 degrees and put on the designated shoes immediately, without letting your socks touch the floor.
  3. Wash your hands or apply disinfectant.
  4. Put on your designated clothes or coveralls and you’re ready for the barn!

Click here for more info!


This video is a great reminder of the importance of separating “clean” and “dirty” areas at the entry of the barn. Avoiding any contact between these areas is important for minimizing the chance of brining pathogens into the bird growing area – the key is being consistent and diligent with this every day. The exact set-up on each farm may look different, but the end goal should be the same: keep what’s out, out, and what’s in, in.

Click here for more info!