Newsletter Articles

Microbiota And Transcriptomic (RNA) Effects Of An Essential Oil Blend And Its Delivery Route Compared To An Antibiotic Growth Promoter In Broiler Chickens
Apr 22, 2024
Introduction The poultry industry has been diligently evaluating the use of various feed additives, including probiotics, prebiotics, organic acids, and essential oils, as potential alternatives to the use of low dose antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) to preserve gut health and intestinal microbiota balance and improve growth performance. Research results on the effect and efficacy of…
Effects Of Grape Pomace On Growth Performance, Intestinal Health, Blood Parameters, And Breast Muscle Myopathies Of Broiler Chickens
Apr 22, 2024
Introduction The search for alternatives to antibiotics in poultry production is on-going. The use of potential feed additives is one avenue that looks promising, but it is important that they are cost- efficient and have no negative impact on meat quality. Grape pomace (GP) is a by-product in the production of grape juice and wine,…
Effect Of Organic Acids-Essential Oils Blend And Oat Fiber Combination On Broiler Chicken Growth Performance, Blood Parameters And Intestinal Health
Apr 22, 2024
Introduction The investigation into potential alternatives continues as the poultry industry moves away from the use of preventative antibiotics. Organic acids are used as food preservatives because they inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria. When added to the poultry diet they have been found to reduce bacteria production in the gut and change the…
Effect Of Feeding Coarse Or Extruded Oat Hulls On Growth Performance And Gut Health In Broiler Chickens – Dr. Deborah Adewole
Apr 22, 2024
Introduction To preserve the potency of clinically important antibiotics, there has been a gradual reduction of the use of preventative antibiotics in food- producing animals. An alternate strategy to prevent disease in broiler chickens is to promote gut health through the feeding of high fiber ingredients, such as oat hulls (OH). Dietary fibers fuel the…
Effect Of Delivery Route Of A Probiotic On Growth Performance And Gut Health Of Broiler Chickens
Apr 22, 2024
Introduction At hatch, the digestive tracts of broilers can be rapidly colonized by microorganisms from the surrounding environment. Because younger birds have fewer bacterial species in the intestinal tract than adults, their gut is more susceptible to disorders promoted by harmful bacteria (CHR Hanson, 2020). The poultry industry is moving away from the preventative use…
Food Freedom Day was February 9th for a second year in a row
Feb 20, 2024
CFA has calculated that by February 9th, 2024, a Canadian household of average income will have earned enough to pay for their entire year's grocery bill, which lands on the same date as 2023. With food prices continuing to inflate at a rapid pace, it's important to provide further context on the Food Freedom Day…
In-barn hatching – soon to be covered under OFFSP and ACP
Feb 20, 2024
In-barn hatching is an emerging practice that will soon be covered by the Raised by a Canadian Farmer On-Farm Food Safety and Animal Care programs, as it is no longer covered by CFIA since the implementation of the new Hatchery Regulations (November 2023). Chicken Farmers of Canada is in the process of developing an addendum…
CFC Thanks Dr. Adewole for her dedication to the chicken sector
Feb 20, 2024
Dr. Deborah Adewole was hired in August 2018 as the Industry Research Chair, Sustainable Antibiotic Reduction in Poultry Production. This 5-year appointment was the result of a collaborative effort co-funded by Chicken Farmers of Canada (via the Atlantic Poultry Research Institute), the Province of Nova Scotia, Dalhousie University, and with additional commitment from Chicken Farmers…
The Joint Animal Welfare Working Group on the move!
Feb 20, 2024
What better way to learn more about important areas related to chicken welfare then to visit those who actively work on it? Members of the Joint Animal Welfare Working Group (JAWWG) are planning to travel to Arkansas, USA, in April to visit the Tyson Welfare Research Farm to meet representatives from Tyson Foods and Cobb-Vantress.…
Canadian Poultry Research Council (CPRC) puts out a call for proposals for new research projects
Feb 20, 2024
Each year, the Canadian Poultry Research Council (CPRC) puts out a call for proposals for new research projects on priorities selected by Chicken Farmers of Canada and its other members. A total of 26 letters of intent (LOIs) were received following CPRC’s call earlier this year. Researchers were invited to submit proposals addressing one of…
New CFIA database to verify feed and water additives approved for use in Canada
Dec 19, 2023
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) recently released an online database to allow anyone to look up feed and water additives to check if they’re approved for use in Canada. Additives (e.g. vitamins, probiotics, essential oils, etc.) that are being used to impact the health or nutrition of the flock must be approved for use…
Mental health and wellness in the poultry and egg sectors
Dec 18, 2023
If you’re feeling stressed and tired after the busyness of the holidays, you’re not alone. Add to that the regular stressors of farming - unpredictable weather, animal disease, financial pressure, heavy workloads, burden of paperwork/bureaucracy, media criticism, social isolation, etc. – and it can be a lot for anyone to handle. Recent research confirms the…
Chicken Farmers of Canada endorses the antimicrobial use stewardship principles of the International Poultry Council
Dec 18, 2023
In November, CFC formally endorsed the IPC’s antimicrobial use stewardship principles, which align with CFC’s Responsible AMU Strategy. This commitment has also been made by 18 other companies and associations from around the world, which collectively represent over 30% of global poultry meat production, spanning all sectors from fully integrated systems to small farms. By…
SM5 Advocacy Day
Dec 18, 2023
Chicken Farmers of Canada, in partnership with all supply-managed organizations, took part in a targeted Lobby Day on November 7th and November 23rd. Delegates from the SM5 met with Parliamentarians, specifically Senators, to discuss the importance of supporting Bill C-282, An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act (supply management).…
Public trust in Canada’s agri-food system remains steady despite growing affordability concerns.
Oct 26, 2023
Chicken Farmers of Canada recently attended the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity (CCFI) Public Trust Summit in Toronto. The Summit gives agriculture and agri-food stakeholders an opportunity to learn from industry experts on trends, consumer awareness, and best practices in building public trust. Each year at the Summit, CCFI releases the results of its Public…
Responsible AMU Strategy – Results indicate success!
Oct 19, 2023
Chicken Farmers of Canada (CFC) has compiled recent surveillance results to promote the success of its Responsible Antimicrobial Use (AMU) Strategy. With data from the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), the surveillance results demonstrate a reduction in antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance. CIPARS indicates:…
How long does avian influenza survive in the environment?
Oct 19, 2023
Avian influenza continues to be detected in wild birds throughout Canada, and thus the concern for our domestic flocks also continues. While the migratory season is the highest risk level, the avian influenza virus can still survive for lengthy periods of time in different environments and on different types of material. The Canadian Food Inspection…
Integrating CUSMA Compensation into PEFIP
Sep 2, 2023
After the government's announcement in the Fall Economic Statement regarding the allocation of $10 million to compensate chicken producers in addressing the challenges posed by the Canada - United States – Mexico trade agreement (CUSMA), CFC representatives have collaborated closely with government officials to propose the inclusion of these funds into the existing Poultry and…
The Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care and On-Farm Food Safety programs – Driving consumption
Sep 2, 2023
We know that the on-farm food safety and animal care programs (OFFSP/ACP) impact daily life and routines on the farm. We also know that it’s hard sometimes to see the bigger picture, to understand why these programs are so important, and it’s easy to wonder whether it’s worth it. We’re here to tell you that…
Reducing avian influenza risk with proper mortality management
Sep 1, 2023
Mortality management has always been a part of the On-Farm Food Safety Program requirements and the importance of these measures has been underscored with recent learnings from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) cases. CFIA has indicated that mortality management on some Infected Premises (IPs) has been a concern for the spread of HPAI to other…