With the implementation of the revised Hatchery Regulations, in-barn hatching is no longer a licensable activity by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). As such, this emerging practice now needs to be considered as part of Chicken Farmers of Canada’s (CFC) Raised by a Canadian Farmer On-Farm Food Safety Program (OFFSP) and Animal Care Program (ACP).
CFC has created OFFSP and ACP requirements to allow for the option of in-barn hatching. The new requirements consider in-barn hatching from a food safety and animal care perspective and can be implemented in conjunction with provincial regulatory process controls.
CFC has worked with provincial boards and industry stakeholders to develop these standards. In addition, the new requirements have been reviewed by CFIA and the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC). As such, the OFFSP maintains full government recognition and the ACP continues to meet the NFACC’s Animal Care Assessment Framework requirements. These two forms of recognition provide credibility for the OFFSP and ACP and are an important aspect of promoting Canadian chicken through the Raised by a Canadian Farmer brand to retailers, restaurants, and consumers.
The implementation date for in-barn hatching requirements is January 1, 2025 for those farms already implementing in-barn hatching. If you are considering in-barn hatching for your own farm, you must first communicate with your respective provincial board to ensure any additional provincial regulations and requirements are implemented and appropriate agreements are in place. The addendum with the new OFFSP and ACP requirements specific to in-barn hatching is available from your provincial board.