Chicken Farmers of Canada’s representatives from across the country travelled to Ottawa for our Annual Lobby Day on May 9th and met with Parliamentarians to discuss issues impacting the chicken sector and Canadian farmers. Representatives spoke on a variety of topics like supply management, the Ukraine Goods Remission Order, spent fowl, antimicrobial use and resistance, avian influenza, sustainability and Bills in the House and Senate that impact Canadian agriculture.
We had a successful lobby day consisting of 53 meetings with Members of Parliament and Senators from all Provinces.
Annual Lobby Day: CFC Alternate Scott Buchan, MP Valarie Bradford, MP Tim Louis, MP Bardish Chagger, CFC Director Don Kilimnik, CFO Staff Caitlin Loskowski, CFC Young Farmer Riley Duimering.
CFC also hosted a reception that evening for Parliamentarians, political staffers, and industry members at the Metropolitain Brasserie in Ottawa. The evening allowed for continued conversation on the importance of the chicken sector. CFC Annual Reception: CFC Executive Director Michael Laliberté, CFC Young Farmer Rachel Sheffield, CFC Chair Tim Klompmaker, Minister Gudie Hutchings.
Whether meeting on Parliament Hill or at the CFC reception, our representatives received strong messages of support for our farmers, the chicken sector, and supply management.
In partnership with the Egg Famers of Canada, Turkey Farmers of Canada, and Canadian Hatching Egg Producers, The SM4 hosted its annual Downtown Diner this past May 18th on Sparks Street in Ottawa. CFC’s Luce Bélanger joined other poultry and egg farmers to speak with government officials and the public on how supply management supports local communities.
Downtown Diner: Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau and CFC Director Luce Bélanger.
Check out this year’s Farmers’ Times publication that was distributed at the event which includes a feature piece on Chicken Farmers of Nova Scotia Chair, Amy VanderHeide.
In partnership with Dairy Farmers of Canada, Egg Famers of Canada, Turkey Farmers of Canada, and Canadian Hatching Egg Producers, The SM5 came together in Toronto from May 25th to May 28th to sponsor the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Annual Conference and Trade Show. The SM5 is a long-term sponsor of the conference, which allows for the unique opportunity to meet with thousands of delegates from across Canada, including senior municipal officials, Mayors, and Councillors.
Building on the overarching conference theme of Local action, National results, dairy, poultry and egg farmers emphasized how local farming creates national stability through conversation on the importance of supply management. This year, the SM5 sponsored the opening reception, hosted a trade show booth, held an interactive question and answer trivia barn, and presented two Ask the Experts Sessions. CFC’s Rick Kaptein joined the first session on future-proofing Canada’s agricultural sector panel and spoke to sustainability initiatives on his farm. The second panel focused on the ripple effect of food production.
FCM: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and CFC Director Rick Kaptein.