OTTAWA, March 26, 2024 – Chicken Farmers of Canada (CFC) is proud to announce the election of its 2024 Executive Committee.
Elected last week by the CFC Board of Directors at its Annual General Meeting, the CFC Executive Committee will help Canadian chicken farmers continue to grow a trusted and sustainable Canadian chicken sector.
Congratulations to the following on their re-election:
Tim Klompmaker, Ontario
Hailing from Norwood, Ontario, Tim started farming in 1984 and is a third-generation chicken farmer. Tim farms with his wife Annette and their three sons. Tim served as a District Committee Representative for Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) before being elected to the Ontario Board in 2010. Tim was elected to the Chicken Farmers of Canada Board in 2017 and has been Chair since 2022.
First Vice-Chair
Nick de Graaf, Nova Scotia
Nick is a third-generation poultry farmer in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, operating the farm founded by his grandfather in the early 1960’s. Today, the farm raises both chickens and turkeys. Nick is also part of Innovative Poultry Group (IPG) and owns Maritime Chicks, a modern hatchery employing the HatchCare system. In addition to poultry, Nick also grows wheat, corn, and soybeans, allowing him to process poultry feeds for his own flocks. Nick and his wife, Trudy, have three children and four grandchildren.
Second Vice-Chair
Ray Nickel, British Columbia
Ray is another third-generation chicken, table egg, and turkey farmer in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Ray has a degree in Ag Science from the University of British Columbia. Ray previously served as the president of the B.C. Poultry Association and was also a director and president of the turkey growers’ association. Ray has served as a Director on the Chicken Farmers of Canada board since 2022.
Executive Member
Luce Bélanger, Quebec
Luce is a chicken farmer from the Jacques-Cartier area, near Quebec City, Quebec. Luce took over the family farm in 1999 and also runs a farm gate vegetable kiosk with her children. Luce holds a degree in animal science from McGill University and an MBA in agribusiness from Laval University. Luce has been a Director on the Board of Les Éleveurs de volailles du Quebec since 2017.
The Board looks forward to continuing its work together, ensuring that Canada’s chicken industry continues to deliver on consumer expectations for excellence. The vision for the organization is that Canadian chicken be consumers’ preferred and trusted protein.
CFC’s mission is to lead and grow a sustainable Canadian chicken industry, while strengthening trust and enhancing value for Canadians.
For more information, please contact:
Jean-Francois Berube, Senior Communications Officer