A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an internationally recognized approach to assess the impacts associated with all of the stages of a product’s life – in this case chicken. There is a well-established protocol for LCA subject to an ISO standardized methodology. LCAs can help an industry determine which aspects of their production are most efficient, and where they can improve efficiencies, reduce environmental impacts, or improve social interactions along their entire value chains.
The LCA provides the chicken industry with benchmarks for its impact on climate change, natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem quality, and human health, while the social LCA provides a qualitative assessment of the industry’s socioeconomic performance. Conducting an LCA is part of our strategy to support our industry’s work in maintaining consumer and buyer confidence that supply chain risks are adequately addressed. It can also improve industry’s social licence and assurance to consumers that chicken is safe, and produced in an efficient and responsible way.
In 2018, Chicken Farmers of Canada received the results from its first ever LCA, which was conducted by Groupe AGÉCO, a consultation firm specializing in corporate social responsibility and economic studies. The study was designed to measure the environmental and social performance of Canada’s chicken sector, from hatching egg to processor.
The key findings are as follows:
To find out more about our LCA results, check out this new infographic Sustainability Assessment of the Canadian Chicken value chain and our press release .